Built upon request of Cardinal Giulio Alberoni, prime minister of the king Philip the 5th from Spain and of Elisabetta Farnese, its costruction started in 1733, on the area of a former Ospedale degli Incurabili. The first 18 seminarists entered in 1751, one year before the cardinal’s death, occurred on 26th june 1752. Remebering his humble origins and willing to help financially those young indigents who wanted to study theology, Alberoni gave all he had for the upkeep of this Institute.Important clergymen of the late two centuries, such as cardinals Agostino Casaroli, Antonio Samorè and Silvio Oddi came from this Institute. Inside the huge architectural complex there are a precious library, a famous art gallery, the Astronomical observatory, a Natural Science Museum and San Lazzaro Church, dating back to the 18th century.