In 1466 Bianca Maria Visconti, widow of the Duke Francesco Sforza, gave S. Pietro in Cerro’s fief to the Barattieri Family. Jurisconsult Bartolomeo Barattieri completed it starting from an already existing ancient fortress.
The castle has never undergone serious changes throughout the centuries and offers today a good example of 15th century stately mansion. It has a square plan, with a donjon at the entrance, which was one supplied with a drawbridge, and two round towers protecting the North Side. The inner ward is characterised by a douyble layer of arcades. These are followed by the kitchen, the oven the dining rooms and, on the first floor, two great Halls and the Historical Library (volumes about the history of Piacenza and its province from 1490 to the present)).
In the suggestive attic a museum has been created: MIM – Museum in Motion, important contemporary art private collection. The museum develops along the rounds parapet from the donjon to the two corner towers.Possibility of organizing conventions, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, concerts, ceremonies (upon reservation, calling the numbers mentioned below).
Tour itinerary: subterraneans, ground floor, first floor, second floor, inner ward, outside. Workshops for schools available.