The sanctuary is located in the High Tidone Valley, Muncipality of Nibbiano, on the border with the province of Pavia, 625 metres upon the sea level. The location allows to enjoy a beautiful landscape.
The palce where the sanctuary is located has been adored and consecrated to the Virgin for an immemorable time. The lay culpt probably became Christian thanks to Bobbios Saint Columbas monks in the 8th century. The building underwent several changes throughout time, but the stones of a very ancient parish church, dating back to the first centuries after the year 1000, may still be perceived.
The hut façade is divided into three parts by pilla strips on high pedestals. The wall of the ancient parish church may be admired on the North gable.
The virgin statue by Paolo Perotti is on the altar, inside the niche. The statue reminds of the 16th century statue destroyed in 1924. A precious 18th century wooden bas-relief representing the adoration of Magi has been recently restored.Information taken from the publication ‘Santuario della Natività della B.V. in Santa Maria del Monte’ by Bruna Boccaccia, Pontegobbo editor, therefore the editorial office is not to be held responsible for any mistakes.Celebrations:
– Sunday after the Epiphany end of the Christmas celebrations.
– Easter Monday celebration of the Virgin Statue.
– The last Sunday of May Mass celebrating the end of the month of the Virgin Mary.
– The last Sunday of June celebration of the ‘Solidarity for life’ day.
– The second Sunday of Septemebr celebration of the sanctuary and of Mary’s birth .