Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Museums and Galleries

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Museums and Galleries
The gallery presents individual exhibitions at national and international level. Nuovospazio contemporary art gallery is directed by Armando and Loretta Tagliaferri. It was inaugurated in…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
The museum occupies an area of 3500 square metres and hosts some precious scientific collections. It is located in the former abattoir area, inside a…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Palazzo Costa was built by the Costa family at the end of the 17th century on a project by the architect and scenographer Ferdinando Galli…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Inside Collegio Alberoni is preserved a collection of vestments worn by Cardinal Alberoni during solemn and private celebrations. The vestments belonged to the Cardinal are…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Dedicated to the Irish Saint Columba, who contributed to the spread of Christianity in Europe, the museum displays historical, artistic and archaeological exhibits; some of…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
4-room-Art Gallery displaying works by Italian and foreign painters from the 15th to the 20th century.Discover more