Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Nativity scenes on display


Bobbio (pc), foto presepe, ph. archivio Ra Familia Bubieiza


Along the streets of the centre of Bobbio, from 24 December to 6 January takes place

Presepi in mostra (Nativity scenes on display)

The event continues throughout the Christmas period and makes it possible to admire the best nativity scenes, set up and clearly visible in shop windows, under porticos and even in the private courtyards of the town in the Trebbia Valley.

A map identifies the complete itinerary of the exhibition for visitors; a unique opportunity to discover corners and glimpses of one of Italy’s most beautiful villages.

The competition exhibition ends on 6 January when, in Largo Rio Grande, the prize-giving ceremony for the most voted cribs customarily takes place, in anticipation of the Epiphany!

Nativity scene award ceremony and arrival of the Befana (kindly old witch)

When: 6 January
Where: Largo Rio Grande
The Gerberto Choir will perform for the occasion

  • Piazza S. Francesco - Bobbio
24 December 2024 - January 6, 2025
+ 39 0523.962815