Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Piacenza in fiore

Fairs and Exhibitions

A day that smells of spring, with flowers plants, games, colours and shopping.

Piacenza in Fiore(Bloom)

When: 13-14 th April 2024, all day long

The event takes place in the “Piazza del Duomo” and “Piazza dei Cavalli”,  enveloping also the neighbouring streets.

The focal theme is sustainability, to be shared by involving the public with stands and workshops.

Alongside the floriculturists will be beekeepers, creatives and hobbyists enriching the day with local honey, recycling materials and educational workshops for children.

Programme soon available

  • centro storico e vie limitrofe - piazza Cavalli - Piacenza
29 - 30 March 2025
+ 39 0523.492001