Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


ph. Pierangelo Romersi, Destinazione Turistica Emilia

The Biffulus Clubhouse is a social, cultural and sports club founded un 1986.
The same club is organizing cultural activities, lectures, natural, acrheological and historical guided tours, meetings and afternoon snacks on the Po riverbank, offering its sports equipped area to associations, parishes and schools.

The same clubhouse provides activities related to the river and the pilgrimage along the Via Francigena; the crossing river from Soprarivo location of Calendasco to Corte Sant’Andrea of Senna Lodigiana, back and forth on a motor boat. The duty is active since 1998 and it’s still available to all the pilgrilms. Recommended to make reservations in advance by calling 0523 771607.

Hospitality, restaurant and accomodation inside of the Clubhouse or in tends stably planted on the river bank for the pilgrims are offered.
Pilgrim passports stamping and passages recording are provided.
Information material besides is delivered.
Installation and manteinence of the official signs of the pilgrimage.
Inside of Biffulus it’s offered free entrance to the Clubhouse library. This specific spot has a  wealth of documentation on the local history and geography.

Caupona Sigerico, via Soprarivo, 21