Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Parks and nature
Arda valley stretches on the westernmost part of Piacenza province, bordering the Apennine of Parma province. Arda river flows through the valley and covers othes…Discover more
In the equestrian center it’s working “the Sport Association La Bosana”, member of the equestrian Italian federation since 1991, in which five thecnicsmen are working…Discover more
Inside of the Alberoni College are active a weather observatory, a seismic observatory and an ancient astronomical one; this last is well equipped with an…Discover more
Sports Center ” P.Soressi”, it’s located along the Via Emilia, specifically in Castel San Giovanni municipality; It’s composed by a football field, a ring athletic…Discover more
The auditorium is only 30 metres away from the Municipality offices of Podenzano. The venue is available upon booking (call the Municipality) for conferences, seminars,…Discover more
The Auditorium of Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano is a repository of ideas and cultures, a meeting point to discuss about the most urgent and…Discover more