Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Parks and nature
In the area around Bobbio there were many springs of sodium and bromine rich water; they were already known by the Romans and Longobards already…Discover more
In the building many cultural events are organized, like art exhibitions, movie festivals, cultural meetings, supporting the activity of the Public Library of Rivergaro.Discover more
The municipal sports center in Gragnano Trebbiense is equipped with an olympic pool and a swimming pool for children; regular sport fields to play volley…Discover more
The tennis club runs two tennis courts in red clay, one tennis synthetic grass court and it’s organizing and planning tennis classes.Discover more
During the spring and the summer season, Bobbio Kayak Club is active in Trebbia valley, where it’s organizing courses to kayaking and rafting for adults…Discover more
The Knights of the Lands of Colombano Saint Association was born in February 2010 and it’s active in Trebbia Valley. It takes care and promotes…Discover more