On 14 December 2024 at 7 p.m. the new exhibition in the hall of the Civic Museums of Palazzo Farnese dedicated to Elisabetta Farnese will be inaugurated.
The rearrangement offers the public the opportunity to admire the precious Portrait of Elisabetta Farnese, attributed to the workshop of Giovanni Maria Delle Piane, known as the Mulinaretto, recently donated by the company Paver Costruzioni S.p.A. to the Museums.
This event represents the culmination of a year entirely dedicated to the last descendant of the Farnese dynasty, destined to become Queen of Spain. It began with the exhibition I Fasti di Elisabetta Farnese. Portrait of a Queen and continued with the exhibition Inverno Farnesiano. Thanks to the interest aroused by these initiatives, Piacenza today enriches its artistic and cultural heritage with a new masterpiece, which will find its definitive location in the room dedicated to her, specially rearranged for the occasion.