Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


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Where it isA long narrow strip of territory, lying between the Chero and Riglio rivers, and covering the area between the gentle rolling hills and…Discover more
Where is itAlong the road that leads from Piacenza to Castell’Arquato, not far from Gropparello, lies the district of Carpaneto Piacentino, spread out between the…Discover more
Where it isAlong the provincial road SP 654 of the Val Nure, between the plain and the foothills, lies the district of  Vigolzone, an area…Discover more
Where is itLying along the road that connects Piacenza to Carpaneto Piacentino and the Arda valley, the district of San Giorgio Piacentino stretches from the plain…Discover more
Where it isPontenure lies on the Via Emilia, on the right bank of the river Nure. Why visit itNumerous archaeological discoveries in the area prove that…Discover more
Where is itAlong the Strada Provinciale 654 di Val Nure provincial road, between the Nure and Riglio valleys, lies an area of hills culminating in…Discover more