Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


Parks and nature
trebbia, ph
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Parco Regionale Fluviale del Trebbia (Trebbia regional river park) preserves about 30 km of Trebbia river until it flows in Po river on the western borders of Piacenza urban area. Upstream it includesabout 5 km of Po river bank on Piacenza side. The environment is characterised by the large river bed of Trebbia, important for migrating birds, and by the river terraces where grassland and shrubland appear together with traditional cultivated lands and areas still subject to mining. Inside the park there are two Siti di Importanza Comunitaria (Community relevant sites) and Zone di Protezione Speciale or special conservation areas (SIC-ZPS) of Rete Natura 2000 (IT4010016 “Basso Trebbia”, IT4010018 “Fiume Po da Rio Boriacco a Bosco Ospizio”) and a regional geosite (ID 2029 Croara).

The environment is typical for a river, with a large pebbly river bed and strongly influenced by the water seasonal flow, which spans from long periods of drought where the river is divided into tiny rivulets, to rainy periods where the water submerges the willows on the banks leaving some spots of wood on marginal sections. Trebbia river is one of the main tributaries of Po river which maintains its natural features and high quality water levels, from its source to the mouth. The areas surrounding Trebbia river are very important for the flora and fauna that can be found there. 

Parco Regionale Fluviale del Trebbia has been managed by Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità since 2012.

Centro Visite del Parco del Trebbia is in Borgotrebbia (Piacenza) and is an extraordinary virtual  flight on Trebbia river, which will uncover its secrets from a natural, historical and geological point of view through space and time. This tourist centre is highly interactive and involves people of all ages with experiences touching your senses and feelings. The linking thread of the tour is a flight that will accompany you through a journey in the world of air, water, and earth. A strategic move to get to know the park better if you’ve already been there, or to introduce your visit. 

Loc. Camposanto Vecchio, Borgo Trebbia

Weekday timetable:
The tourist centre is open from 23rd April to 2nd July every Sunday and festive days from 2:30 pm to 6 pm.


Piazza Cavalli, 7 - Piacenza


