Built in 1334 by the Mendicant Order of the Carmelite Friars, Carmine church has undergone several transformations over the centuries. It bacame war hospital, public slaughterhouse and warehouse.
The Architecture
The current main access is located in the original apse area, while the original entrance overlooks Via Borghetto, which is the ancient east-west route of the medieval city. The Baroque renovations revolutionized the layout and decorative apparatus of the church; however, the restorations let some precious frescoes of fifteenth-century be discovered. During the restoration work also came to light, a portion of the Roman flooring – intended to enrich the new archaeological section of the Civic Museum of the nearby Palazzo Farnese – and several tombs, covered after a careful filing.
The new project for Carmine Church
The recovery and redevelopment project, started in autumn 2017 and concluded in spring 2019, included two distinct areas of intervention: the recovery and structural consolidation of the building and functional reuse.
Today, after the redevelopment work, it hosts the new services of the Laboratorio Aperto Piacenza. Among these is the FabRoom, which offers visitors three different immersive experiences combining technology, creativity, and nature.
The space can host different kind of activities, such as meetings, vintage markets and exhibitions.