The church of Sant’Antonino Martire, Saint patron of the village, is located in the settlement of Travo, in Trebbia valley.
Historical background
A rural church dedicated to Saint Antonino already existed during the IX century. The importance of this dedication is well understandable through the connection which was linking Travo to the Saint Patron of Piacenza.
The Saint history
According to the tradition, Antonino was beheaded exactly here, near to the Trebbia river, after he was trying to escape from the persecution wanted by Diocleziano at the beginning of the IV century.
He was born in Egypt between 270 and 275 a. C.. His family belonged to the high class and they were Christians. Antonino began his military career in Tebe legion, a specific army department created by Diocleziano. Antonino had to escape soon because of the persecutions to the Christians made by the Tetrarch Massimiano. He moved from Switzerland to Italy and in Piacenza land he died.
Sant’Antonino Martire church
The current building is not the original one but it dates back to the end of the XI century and the beginning of the XII century. The church looks the square-terrace, pretty unique, with a special view on the river, especially during the sunset. The interior of the church, generally restored in neoclassical period, preserves some traces of the Romanesque style, mainly in the apse’s area.