Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Museums and Galleries

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Museums and Galleries
Built in 1334 by the Mendicant Order of the Carmelite Friars, Carmine church has undergone several transformations over the centuries. It bacame war hospital, public…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Inside the historical Palazzetto dell’Istituzione in Piazza del Biscione (Piazza Giangaleazzo Visconti) there is the International Museum of Torture Devices coming from Valencia. The exhibition…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Kronos – Cathedral Museum and the ascent to Guercino’s dome at Piacenza Cathedral are accessible from the garden at Via Prevostura 7. The opening of…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Piccolo Museo della Poesia or Incolmabili Fenditure poetry museum was born in Piacenza thanks to the initiative of the cultural association bearing the same name….Discover more
Museums and Galleries
In 2005 Domenica Rosa Mazzolini donated to Diocesi di Piacenza-Bobbio 899 works of contemporary art gathered mainly from the collection of Giovanni Battista Ettore Simonetti The…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Santa Margherita complex in Piacenza is an uncommon example of restoration and preservation of stratified relics from the two-thousand year old past of the city…Discover more