Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Museums and Galleries

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Monuments, Squares and Palaces
In 1877 this object, mysterious at first, was found by a peasant who was ploughing a field near Gossolengo. Although its importance wasn’t understood immediately,…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
***Temporarily closed*** The Ornithological Mseum F.O.I. onlus preserves, studies and exhibits birds which both live in the nature and are bred by men. The museum…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Built in 1334 by the Mendicant Order of the Carmelite Friars, Carmine church has undergone several transformations over the centuries. It bacame war hospital, public…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Located inside the college bearing the same name, it is made of several paintings, church ornaments and vestments, and tapestries coming from cardinal Giulio Alberoni’s…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Cultural association dealing with exhibitions of contemporary sculptures and paintings.Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Its in Santo Spirito Hospital.The museum aims to show organically and didactically the palaeontological remains found in the marine sediments outcropped in this area.The museum…Discover more