Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Museums and Galleries

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Museums and Galleries
This museum, located in Sperongia di Morfasso, preserves mementos, images, documents, information, biographies, memories, and offers interactive information technologies through which visitors can learn more…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Located on the first floor of Caminata Municipality offices, the collection was born in the Sixties thanks to the passion of Aldogreco Bergamaschi, a lawyer…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Modern art gallery (paintings, sculptures, graphic art pieces) and antique shop (furniture and tools). Permanent exhibition of paintings and furniture, individual artist exhibitions and collective…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Atelier and permanent painting gallery linked to the 19th century Neapolitan tradition of Posillipo School. The atelier exhibits oil paintings.Discover more
Museums and Galleries
The Vine and Wine Museum is in Vigolzone, La Tosa village, within La Tosa farm house, and it wishes to recreate the atmosphere of an…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Opened in Piacenza at the end of the 80’s, it is a special building where sculpture, ancient and modern painting, antiques exhibitions take place, as…Discover more