Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Museums and Galleries

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Museums and Galleries
Vicobarones former schools were restored to host a permanent exhibition of old tools and every day life objects, dating back to old times, when human…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Museum annexed to Sant’Antonino Basilica. The following items are displayed: three altar frontals dating back to the 15th century, paintings dating back to 17th and…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Organisation of collective and personal exhibitions of painters and sculptors.Discover more
Museums and Galleries
The idea to gather inside the huge Palazzo Farnese all the Civic Museum Collections dates back to 1909 thanks to an idea of Dionigi Barattieri….Discover more
Museums and Galleries
The museum dates back to the first years of the college (18th century).Father Zaccaria from Piacenza (1721-1814), famous botanist,bequeathed important naturalistic material, scientific collections,dry and…Discover more
Museums and Galleries
Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery. Permanent exhibition of National and Piacenza artists, personal exhibitions of selected artists annually.Discover more