Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Outdoor itineraries
Panoramic trail 32 km long along Arda and Ongina valleys borders, among the medieval boroughs of Castell’Arquato and Vigoleno. You can book a guided tour,…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The Sentiero del Tidone (from Po to its spring) is a 69 km footpath that passes through 2 Regions:- Emilia Romagna and Lombardy. It starts in…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
More than 300 fortified buildings including towers, houses, strongholds and boroughs can be found around Piacenza hills. The majority of these are private property, others…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The itinerary proposed is a long and staged trekking on Trebbia and Nure valleys’ ridges: an itinerary that allows trekkers to tread the old ways…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The itinerary proposed is a long and staged trekking on Trebbia and Nure valleys’ ridges: an itinerary that allows trekkers to tread the old ways…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The itinerary proposed is a long and staged trekking on Trebbia and Nure valleys’ ridges: an itinerary that allows trekkers to tread the old ways…Discover more