Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Outdoor itineraries
Pietra Parcellara,one of the best known mountains by Piacenza’s inhabitants,is also called ” Valtrebbia’s Cervino” because its pointed peak reminds the higher and better known…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
This track is an alternative to path n. 1. Itinerary: path n. 1 up to Monte Osero (1 day), Pradovera, Pianadelle, Passo Cappelletta*, Mareto*, Bolderoni,…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
This track is an alternative to path n. 2. Itinerary: path n. 2 up to Le Moline (2 days), Boccolo Noce (it is possible to…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
Itinerary: Bettola, Rio Barbarone, follo Rio Barbarone, Rossoreggio, Cà Bassano, Cà Bozzini, Groppovisdomo, Veleia Romana (it is possible to dine and stay over for the…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The area is typically morenic: it is advisable to follow signalled paths once you leave the non-asphalted road. After the last turn you reach the…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
Mount Crociglia and Mount Carevolo are among the most panoramic spots of the whole Apennine in Piacenza area. Their tops share the same characteristics: first…Discover more