Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


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Where it isOn the banks of the Trebbia river, on the western side, a few kilometers from Piacenza.Why visit itIt’s an area dotted with castles…Discover more
Where it isThe town is located a few kilometers from Piacenza, in the south-eastern flat area of the river Trebbia valley; where the prevailing landscape…Discover more
Where it isThe town is situated between Luretta and Trebbia streams, the village opens into a flat area in the western area of Piacenza’s province. Don’t…Discover more
Where it isAlong the Provincial road of the Val Nure, midway between Podenzano and Vigolzone, stands Grazzano Visconti, the quaint village recognised as a “Città…Discover more
Where it isA long narrow strip of territory, lying between the Chero and Riglio rivers, and covering the area between the gentle rolling hills and…Discover more
Where it isNear Fiorenzuola (A1 exit).Why visit itParticularly rich in history and interesting for its geological formations dating back to Placentianum, a geological period that…Discover more