Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


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Where it isMonticelli d’Ongina is located not far from the river Po on the road to Cremona; the area is famous for the cultivation of…Discover more
Where it isA gate to the Apennines, this area is rich in history and both the landscape and its geological aspects are very remarkable.Why visit…Discover more
Località collinare dai suggestivi scorci di sapore medioevale, memoria del passato ricco di storia. Meritano una visita il castello, oggi adibito ad abitazione privata e…Discover more
Where it isIt is located in the high Trebbia Valley, on the Ligurian Apennines along the State road 45 and about 60 km from Genoa,…Discover more
Where is itNot far from Pontenure, lying in the intensely cultivated plain, is the agricultural village of Paderna. Why visit itNext to the rural village is…Discover more
Where is itWith its 1.460 metres, it is one of the highest peaks of the Ligurian Apennines and there the province of Pavia “Oltrepo’ Pavese”…Discover more