Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

I SPRELL (empty fritters) DE.CO

Municipal denomination De.Co

“I sprell”(empty fritters) are the typical sweet of Carnival; a celebration which, throughout the centuries, has always been deeply linked to the food aspect of rituality.

Tradition has it that, before the Lenten privations, fat is consumed in abundance and “I sprell”(empty fritters), fried in a large quantity of lard, are abundantly rich in it.

During this period the sprelle are available in almost all food stores, pastry stores and bakeries. In the small distribution (delicatessen stores and fresh pasta stores) the product is sold loose, by weight, or in rigid sealed containers so as not to damage the rather friable product.

It is one of the De.Co( Municipality Designation of Origin) of Fiorenzuola d’Arda.


  • 500 gr flour100 gr sugar
  • 100 gr of butter
  • 3 eggs (two whole, one yolk)
  • 25 gr of vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • a sachet of yeast
  • half glass of sweet white wine
  • two tablespoons of rum
  • grated lemon peel
  • for frying: lard.


Make a well in the flour on the pastry board and in the center put the eggs, sugar, butter in pieces, a pinch of salt and the yeast, mix everything with the wine and rum until you get a soft dough that will be rolled out into a thin sheet.

Cut it into strips 4-5 cm. wide and no longer than 10 cm. long, possibly with a “pasta cutter wheel”. Melt in a high pan a fair amount of lard and when it is very hot, place the strips of dough previously “knotted in gale”.

Fry the “gale” until they are golden and remove them to let them dry on absorbent paper. When the sprelle are still hot, dust them with a lot of powdered sugar.

The SPRELLE with Municipal Denomination are prepared keeping the quantitative ratio between the ingredients as above. Small variations on the quantities are allowed by virtue of personal and peculiar versions, also commercial.

Suggested wines: White wine Malvasia, Ortrugo.

further information

Piazza del Municipio - Castell'Arquato



+39 0523.803215

+39 0523.803215