Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


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Outdoor itineraries
This track in three stages allows trekkers to tread along several of those tracks which constituted for centuries the natural communication tracks among Arda, Nure…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The Park as we can see it today was born at the end of 2011 by joining Stirone Regional River Park and the Piacenziano Geological…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
Parco Regionale Fluviale del Trebbia – Trebbia regional river park – is 30 km far from Trebbia river and covers the area from Rivergaro to…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
Interesting path for those who wish to explore the steep environment of middle Nure Valley, constituted of robust rocks in calcareous flysch from Farini. The…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The Via Francigena, once called Via Francesca or Romea and sometimes known as Franchigena, is the pilgrim’s way that linked Canterbury and Rome and was…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The Pilgrims’ way (Via Francigena) is an ancient road that was treaded for centuries by thousands of pilgrims. They travelled from the reign of the…Discover more