Where it is
The town is located a few kilometers from Piacenza, in the south-eastern flat area of the river Trebbia valley; where the prevailing landscape is cultivated fields.
Don’t miss
To see: the Church dedicated to San Quintino and the Castle dating back to the twelfth century, subsequently restored, now used as a private home.
These sites are visible externally, together with many other manors in the area, which distinguish the Piacenza landscape.
On the table
All traditional Piacenza dishes including “La picùla” horse meat dishes and “stracotto d’asino” (donkey meat that is cooked for a long time).
In the surroundings
The “Fegato etrusco”(Etruscan liver) was found in Settima, a very small town, in 1877 and is now preserved at the Civic Museum of Palazzo Farnese. In the same place a private hause of the 17th century and a church of medieval origin dedicated to St. Maria can still be admired.
Going up the Trebbia river you can enjoy a suggestive view of the castle of Rivalta from the river bed.