Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Museums and Galleries
Opened in Piacenza at the end of the 80’s, it is a special building where sculpture, ancient and modern painting, antiques exhibitions take place, as…Discover more
Religious architecture
It is a charcateristic example of Padana Valley Gothic architecture. In the 12th century it was a Humiliati monastery ; according to tradition in the…Discover more
Religious architecture
San Sepolcro, designed by Alessio Tramello,was built between 1513 and 1533 for the Olivetans; during Napoleon’s time it was transformed into military hospital and was…Discover more
Religious architecture
The church is in the Infrangibile district, west of town. In 1938 an episcopal delegation was built, followed by a small church in via Montebello….Discover more
Religious architecture
The Jesuite building is located in the oldest part of town; since its construction (after the year 1000), it has undergone several transformations and restorations….Discover more
Monuments, Squares and Palaces
The San Sepolcro Olivetano monastery was built on the project of the architect Alessio Tramello from Piacenza, between 1502 and 1521 appointed by the abbot…Discover more