Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Alessio Tramello was an important architect from Piacenza, who created some of the most beautiful buildings of the Renaissence time. He was born in 1445…Discover more
Every castle has each phantom; the one of Grazzano Visconti is female and named Aloisa. According to the legend, Aloisa was the natural daughter of…Discover more
Monuments, Squares and Palaces
Aloisa is the ghost of  the castle, also honored in the village by a statue on a pedestal placed in the main street, near the…Discover more
According to an old legend Annibale, who at the time of the second punic war stopped in the countryside around Piacenza. He left in custody…Discover more
Religious architecture
Vernasca’s ancient church is in a panoramic position over the river Arda and is traditionally recalled as Pieve (parish Church).It is dedicated to San Columba…Discover more
The second Punic War, led by the carthaginian general Annibale Barca, left many traces on Piacenza Land. The Trebbia’s battle was the first win over…Discover more