Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Villages and Castles

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Villages and Castles
It has been one of the art towns in Piacenza’s province since 1986. The village, built at the beginning of 1900, is in Neogothic style…Discover more
Villages and Castles
Once owned by Arcelli Counts, the fortified castle, of which the first news dates back to 1028, had been built at the beginning with only…Discover more
Villages and Castles
The castle was built on the right bank of Luretta stream, just before it meets Tidone river. The building was involved in the fights among…Discover more
Villages and Castles
The castle lies inside the square perimetral walls, surrounded by a moat; the walls are mostly well preserved together with the two corner towers and…Discover more
Villages and Castles
Montechino castle dates back to the 12th century. It was built to defend Riglio valley. Its first owners were the Confalonieri, who came to Piacenza…Discover more
Villages and Castles
Perched on top of a small isolated hill and close to Via Emilia, the castle performed an effective visual control of the surrounding territory. Except…Discover more