Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

Villages and Castles

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Villages and Castles
News about Chiavenna Landi castle dates back to 1200 AD, as witnessed by the entry in the Registrum Magnum and by other valuable parts of…Discover more
Villages and Castles
Once owned by Arcelli Counts, the fortified castle, of which the first news dates back to 1028, had been built at the beginning with only…Discover more
Villages and Castles
The Dego castle (or The Barberino castle) is a fortress located in municipality of Bobbio. The structure is composed by two mighty towers, inner connected…Discover more
Villages and Castles
Its one of the many fortified buildings around Bettola. Its similar to a tower house and witnesses the period of domination of the Nicellis, at…Discover more
Villages and Castles
It has been one of the art towns in Piacenza’s province since 1986. The village, built at the beginning of 1900, is in Neogothic style…Discover more
Villages and Castles
The castle belonged to the Visconti di Modrone family since 1395. Since spring 2007 it’s been possible to visit the park with a guide; the…Discover more