Home » Food & Wine » Recipes » AL LATT IN PE (standing milk)
1 l of boiled milk
100 gr of amaretti biscuits
12 eggs: 8 yolks and 4 whites
14 tablespoons of sugar
grated lemon peel
100 gr of chocolate powder
4 sheets of isinglass
Beat the eggs with the sugar; chop the amaretti and add them to the eggs; then add the powdered chocolate, the lemon and the 4 sheets of isinglass, diluted in a little hot milk and lastly the 4 egg whites whipped to stiff peaks. Melt the sugar over the fire using a copper mold until it caramelizes. Using a strainer, strain the mixture into the mold and cook in a bain-marie for about 1 hour and a quarter. Pay particular attention that, during cooking, no water enters, otherwise the cake will be ruined. At the end let it cool in its water and then put it in a cool place. The cake should be eaten a day or two after its preparation and served in a round, deep dish.