Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office


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Località prevalentemente agricola posta in una vallata ricca di boschi e di specie floreali. Di sicuro interesse in paese è la chiesa di San Giorgio….Discover more
Where it isLocated in the centre of the Padana Valley, Piacenza is on the right bank of the river Po, only 67 Km from Milan….Discover more
Where it isPianello Val Tidone is a small town wedged in the hills, in the western area of the province.Why visit itA hilly center in…Discover more
Where is itOn the gentle slopes of the Luretta valley stands the town of Piozzano south of Piacenza.Why visit itA hilly environment divided between nature…Discover more
Where is itPodenzano is located in a corner of the plain between the Nure and the Trebbia rivers, just over 10 km from Piacenza.Why visit…Discover more
Where is itAlong the Strada Provinciale 654 di Val Nure provincial road, between the Nure and Riglio valleys, lies an area of hills culminating in…Discover more