Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Outdoor itineraries
Penice, Penna, Pennino, Pennula, Alpi Pennine, Apennine. Pen God, the Father of the world for “Ligures” ancient people, has influencenced Northern Italy’s toponyms, mostly in…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The central Trebbia Valley is ideal for mountain-biking. We propose and average difficulty itinerary enabling mountain-bike lovers to know and appreciate interesting parts of the…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
The track is open all year round, the description below refers to the winter track.THE TRACK: To reach Monte Maggiorasca (m. 1799) you had better…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
This itinerary – which can be done with ski, snow shoes or by mountain bike (only with little snow) – develops throughout Trebbia Valley’s highest…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
In the area of Nure Arda mountain community it has been signalled the first part of the Sentiero Italia between Milan and Bologna: these are…Discover more
Outdoor itineraries
This itinerary allows trekkers to get to know unique structures of the hydrographic right slope of the high Nure Valley.THE TRACK: Ferriere (m.626) – Canadello…Discover more