Official Tourist Information Site of the Piacenza local editorial office

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Museums and Galleries
Inaugurated in 1975 at the ground floor of a small building built at Maria Luigias time, it illustrates, by means of meaningful material and a…Discover more
Religious architecture
The Apparizione Chapel was built in 1954 near Frati, in the neighbourhood of the former prison, where it is said that the Holy Virgin Mary…Discover more
The miraculous event of the appearance of the “Madonna della Quercia”, made Bettola village well known as a littlereligious location in Nure valley. Between 1496…Discover more
Archaeological places
The S. Andrea Neolithic Village, near the Trebbia river,  presents a dense network of well-preserved dwellings and workshops, of which several can be visited. The…Discover more
Near to Pianello V.T. since some year, the archeological association Pandora performs excavations. These specific researches are bringing precious information on the oldest local hystory…Discover more
Monuments, Squares and Palaces
Wholly enclosed and extending for over 10.000 Sq.m., there are several very old, even secular trees (as witnessed by Counts Ottaviano, Carlo and Cesare Barattieris…Discover more